GRTgaz Deutschland will celebrate its 20th anniversary this year! The organisation founded in 2003 as a child operation of Gaz de France Transport has experienced various changes in the industry. Their 40 employees celebrate not only the anniversary, but the ambitious plans to evolve the industry as it looks ahead to the future.
From Gaz de France Transport to GRTgaz, from NetConnect Germany to Trading Hub Europe, through its ITO certification, the founding of an intrapreneurial startup, appygas, and an innovative approach to current geopolitical events, we renew our actions to help create a sustainable and economical future: natural gas today, hydrogen tomorrow.
New Fee for Incremental Capacity
From the incremental capacity cycle 2023 - 2025 onwards, the German transmission system operators will charge a fee of €30,000 per market area border, type of request (incremental capacity or upgrade of existing capacity) and direction (entry or exit capacity) for their activities resulting from the submission of non-binding demand indications in accordance with Article 26 (11) of Regulation (EU) 2017/459 (NC CAM). Please note that the fee will also be charged if the transmission of the non-binding demand indication is not submitted to the applicants by the requesting party directly but by a third party (such as an adjacent, foreign TSO) (cf. point 37 BK9-22/042).
The approval by the Federal Network Agency and detailed information can be found in Decision BK9-22/042 or here.
New uniform postage stamp tariff for the Trading Hub Europe (THE) market area from 1 January 2024
For the Trading Hub Europe (THE) market area the transmission system operators have determined the uniform tariff from 1 January 2024 on the basis of the Federal Network Agency’s (BNetzA) REGENT 2021 decision.
On 25 May 2023, GRTgaz published this uniform network tariff. The annual tariff for firm, freely allocable entry and exit capacity will be 5,10 EUR/(kWh/h)/a applicable from 1 January 2024.
Compared to 2023 the tariff for firm freely allocable entry and exit capacities in the THE market area will be around 15,42 percent lower.
VIP France-Germany Entry Auction
From April 29th, 2023 on, GRTgaz Deutschland will be constantly offering 100GWh/d as the technical available capacity (TAC) on a firm basis at the VIP France-Germany Entry on the German side in the day ahead and intraday auction. The quantities will not be harmonised with the quantity released on the French side anymore.
In addition please find the market message from GRTgaz below:
"From April 29th, 2023, GRTgaz is implementing the Intraday offer for its Firm Exit Obergailbach product*. These Intraday capacities will be available for subscription as a bundled product, under PRISMA as from 7pm in day-ahead, if there are still quantities to sell at the end of the daily auctions."
*in accordance to the Délibération de la Commission de Régulation de l’Energie n° 2022-042 from the 29 of September 2022.
Energy of the future
Hydrogen Demand Survey
As an energy transmission system operator, we give a high priority to energies of the future. We are currently in the process of preparing our MEGAL pipeline system for the transport of hydrogen. In order to be able to realise a transport of CO2-neutral hydrogen from the Iberian Peninsula via France to Germany, the hydrogen demand along our pipeline system has to be evaluated. To this end, we have launched a survey on hydrogen grid connection demand. Your participation will contribute significantly to creating planning parameters for a conversion to hydrogen and enabling a market ramp-up for hydrogen.
You may find more information on the page Our Future.
Gas Transport: Hydrogen Successfully Tested in Compressor Prime Mover
Essen/Waidhaus, 23 February 2023 – GRTZgaz Deutschland, OGE and Solar Turbines have successfully tested a low emissions Titan 130 SoLoNOx Solar gas turbine as a prime mover on a natural gas compressor using hydrogen blending rates of up to 25 percent. These gas turbines are usually powered by natural gas taken from the pipeline system.
Press Release
ELEKS Extends its Product Portfolio by Acquiring appygas, A European Gas Market Data Platform
Global software development firm ELEKS has successfully completed the acquisition of a unique digital solution for gas market experts and stakeholders.
Berlin, Germany, July 29, 2022 - ELEKS GmbH announces that the company has entered into an agreement with GRTgaz Deutschland GmbH, the German natural gas transmission system operator, to acquire appygas, a digital platform providing advanced data visualisation capabilities for the European gas market.
Established in 2017 as a start-up initiative of GRTgaz Deutschland, appygas now operates in over 12 market areas and collaborates with Europe's largest energy companies. As a technology partner, ELEKS has been the driving force behind the technical implementation of appygas services from the very start. The company has been guiding the whole product development cycle of my.appygas digital portal as well as their tailor-made cloud-based solutions.
"Now a global software development firm that operates in over 20 countries, ELEKS started as a product company providing a technology solution for European power systems management. With our 30 years of software development experience and an in-depth understanding of the industry's unique challenges, we are looking forward to extending the appygas platform with advanced customizations, extra integration features and much more. We aim to deliver greater efficiencies and value to appygas customers."
"While the gas and energy sectors are facing a major disruption now, the industry has recognised the urgency of considering modern data analytics. Data-driven forecasting and planning solutions can enable faster and smarter strategic and operational decision making. We believe appygas has the potential to make a real impact on the market."
For GRTgaz Deutschland, the appygas experience is the proof that TSO and Innovation is not a contradiction. appygas has been a real challenge as a non-regulated business operated by a network operator.
"Today we are very proud of our achievement in bringing more transparency to the gas market. Major market players and large companies have trusted appygas and are satisfied users", said Moran Gelber, Head of appygas. "The next steps for appygas' growth require additional IT resources and capabilities to expand the scope and develop more functionalities. As our partner from the beginning, we trust ELEKS to continue the successful development of the platform”.
ELEKS is a Top 100 Global Outsourcing Company, providing expert software engineering and consultancy services for over 30 years. Its talent pool of over 2,500+ specialists covers niches from custom software development to product design and technology advisory, making it the partner of choice for many of the world's leading enterprises, SMEs, and technology challengers.
About appygas
appygas is a platform initiated and developed by GRTgaz Deutschland GmbH. appygas – an information service for gas professionals – was launched at E-world in Essen, Germany, in February 2018. appygas is a portal that provides its users with all the relevant European gas market data such as gas flows, hub and transport prices, or maintenance schedules, in one convenient place, making the gas market easy to understand.