
Marketing resumes at the VIP France Germany Entry

The VOLKER determination will be extended until September 30, 2026 and the marketing of gas capacities will start from May 1, 2024

With the VOLKER regulation, the BNetzA has enabled a physical flow of odorized gas from France from October 2022 to March 31, 2024. After comments of numerous market participants and the decision of the responsible ruling chamber of the BNetzA, an extension of VOLKER has now been decided.

From gas day May 1st on (day ahead auction April 30th 2024), gas can again be booked at the VIP France Germany Entry and physical transport of gas capacities from France to Germany can take place.

We are pleased about the decision and the resumption of transport!




A key role in the European gas infrastructure

GRTgaz Deutschland operates an approximately 1,200-kilometer transmission system that transports gas through southern Germany.

Our network links the gas infrastructure of the Federal Republic with the networks of our parent company in France and those of the Czech Republic and Austria. In this way, we make a decisive contribution to security of supply in Germany and in Europe.

Our team ensures non-discriminatory and transparent network access. Together with other European network operators, we are involved in the development of a transport infrastructure for hydrogen and green gases for the success of the energy transition and the decarbonization of the energy industry.

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Our Network

1.161 km
Pipeline Length
Compressor Stations
353 MW
Total Power
369 TWh
Withdrawn Capacity (2022)


Green gas

In agreement with the Paris Climate Accords, we work together with other network operators to build a transport infrastructure for hydrogen and green gas. Through these actions, we make a significant contribution to a successful energy transition as well as the decarbonisation of the energy industry. 

We work on the technical implementation of this infrastructure and integrate the required political and legal parameters in Europe to ensure this takes place successfully. 

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